In contrast I've received random and unsolicited calls from the other camp. DM's, emails and IM's from a growing tribe of fitness players applauding my message. They run the gambit from NEW independent developers, previous franchise owners (YES), gym consultants, and fitness industry spokespeople.
That Message: The big-box gyms, the chains, the boutique studios, all of them, can be usurped, out positioned and reduced to secondary-gym-non-events if you deliver a superior model to your marketplace.
"The big-box gyms, the chains, the boutique studios, all of them, can be usurped, out positioned and reduced to secondary-gym-non-events if you deliver a superior model to your marketplace" Cuoco Black
Why would I jeopardize my reputation and argue counter to mainstream rhetoric the idyllic propaganda of rainbows and unicorns relentlessly fed to us by these players? Perhaps, just perhaps, my platform has been tested.
So, in my opinion, here below, the 10 fitness fails one might encounter if they've bought into the fitness pyramid scheme.
1. Is turning over 55K up to 3.9 M, for goods and services that you can purchase yourself make sense? (PS those goods and services don't show the kick-back monies that went to the franchisor when you bought into the game).
2. Don't forget. Part of this investment is graft "skimmed off the top" for nothing other than buying into the franchisor's brand name. (Your investment in their brand name is their graft and how they pay for those Tesla's and college degrees for their kids). You've been "sold". The franchisor illustrates all the bells and whistles, but you can bet that my list is not part of their presentation package.
3. Systems. Part of the franchisor's sales pitch is that they provide Support and Systems. This is marketing/sales hype, don't be seduced. Support and Systems are useless when a superior gym model comes into your marketplace. Really? A super-bad-ass-gym comes into your market and the franchisor will rescue you? There is nothing in the franchisor's goods and services that will usurp a superior gym model, it cant happen, you bought the template, templates are locked-down. As often happens these clubs are bought back by the franchisor, kept as a corporate owned facility, or as loss leader, or repackaged for another "franchisee". There are many outstanding gym consultants in the market, and software providers, and ancillary systems available that will provide you with equal, if not greater, support and systems than the franchisor.
4. You have little control over your franchise model if any of the disruptor's in this post impact's your club. Remember, you turned over control of "your investment" and how it's managed to the franchisor when your legal council authorized your endorsement to the franchise agreement.
5. DO THIS. Invest these same monies in your OWN gym model and dominate those who were seduced into buying into the franchise, big-box or boutique studio brands. Create your OWN brand name and business model and out market the franchisee in your target demographic. Retain trusted fitness industry consultants to help you set up shop, plan pre-sale, strategize marketing, put systems in place, and train staff. Shop the marketplace for goods and services (you won't be losing money to kick-back commissions in this scenario). RESULT = A superior gym model that can tweak, adjust, change, adopt and differentiate from the static brands in the market.
"The Fitness Industry's Core Problem Is Better Sameness - At the core DNA of the problem is a fitness industry looking in at itself counterfeiting design, amenities, programming, to wit, the business models of its competitors. This is the alchemy of better sameness that dooms any one brand in a market" Cuoco Black
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Cuoco Black was recently retained to design a 35,000 square foot ultra luxury gym brand in Russia inclusive of an 8,000 square foot spa.
The designer is developing new gym models across diverse market segments including luxury brands, functional training franchises, independent gyms and residential fitness facilities.
"Brand don't Trend"....Cuoco Black 2016
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