I have resurrected this post after a phone call of last evening...
Of all our efforts much centers on informing you, our clients, about the three most copied design aesthetics which you should make every effort to abandon. We talk at length about the better sameness of the chains, less frequently about the muscle gyms, and often about boutique design.
This is Boutique Design and is a seductive charmer because it's just so beautiful. It fills the pages of the lifestyle media and has infiltrated the province of gym design. Boutique Design applied to fitness centers is a seditious trend as ownership believes that adopting this style modernizes your facility and illustrates your coolness. The single biggest problem with boutique design is that it strips a gym of it's uniqueness and reduces your brand to a trending design aesthetic.
Furthermore and again, fitness editorial glorifies boutique design, and it's adopted children, the 2 or 3 gym design firms in collusion with the industry who create this style, as the manifest standard of high design...nothing could be further from the truth.
Boutique Design is a trend. It's aesthetics are an orchestration of modern design cliches used by ten's of thousands of design firms across all of commerce. You will find this style in restaurants, nightclubs, residences, retailers and now gyms. It's greatest failing as a gym aesthetic is its failure as a branding tool. The style is so copied that your club's interior looks no different than a boutique hotel, spa or restaurant.
Positive proof, the 3 images in the attached photo illustrate the "Boutique Sameness" of a restaurant, gym and hotel lobby, all pretty much identical aesthetics.. This design trend has no friend in the fitness industry, but the proponents of the style, and the media, would have you believe otherwise. "Again see our April 18th post about "Are you a nightclub, restaurant or a gym"
"we don't copy trends, we create brands"...Cuoco Black