Compounded Problems of Gym Design
(Image: Gym Juice Bar Cafe In California Gym Looks Like An Airport Cafe)
Experience Is History Manifest As the fitness industry, experience seems to be counter productive to dominating your market, in our opinion at least. On the surface an experienced design team seems like a smart choice, however, one needs to determine if the design firm is providing you with a unique and dominating brand, or something pedestrian and oversaturated. "Experienced" design firms who have a history of building airports, restaurants, hotels, or hundreds of gyms, embody the virtue of trust. As collateral damage however, are the designs of the fitness facilities these same firms create. The aesthetics of a gym shouldn't look like an airport restaurant, hotel, or trend, but that's exactly what these experienced and trusted firms produce for their clients.
"Our design mindset is experimental not experiential"
Cuoco Black 2013