Complementary Colors Are Opposite Of Each Other On The Hue Circle or Color Wheel...
For the mixing of colored light, Isaac Newton's color wheel is often used to describe complementary colors, which are colors that cancel each other's hue to produce an achromatic (white, gray or black) light mixture. Newton offered as a conjecture that colors exactly opposite one another on the hue circle cancel out each other's hue; this c...oncept was demonstrated more thoroughly in the 19th century...
or applied in the 20th Century by Planet Fitness...
....there is no mistake, the garish unsophisticated brand colors of Planet Fitness is a marketing strategy. When gym brands stop copying the trends and modeling other gym models, and start employing more sophisticated marketing strategies, they up the game and hedge the chances for their success.
You may not like Planet Fitness, I'm certainly no fan, but gym developers need to step back and detach their emotions from the brand and study the interior design as part of their overall marketing strategy.