Trends blur brands and disempowers your marketing advantage. If you're facility employs design features that your competitors also use, you've created nothing more than "Better Sameness". A gym embracing cliches, trends and better sameness dilutes the club's brand identity (the distinctive differences of your club over your competition).
Capitalism is king, but having a mission or ideology that benefits your members or community serves a greater cause. The universe is watching, is elastic, and exhibits omnipresence...simply said, it's good for everyones karma.
It's my opinion that fear plays a far greater role in the trajectory of gym design than might be obvious at face value. Yes, adopting a proven design trend is a safe bet, problem is, safe doesn't stand out, dominate and lead the charge, you're modeling what everyone else is doing.
Fitness editorial creates dazzling content and gym design is a popular featured story line. Note specific features and ideas that are celebrated in the article and keep those ideas as a benchmark of good design. Don't forget however, the designs in such editorial are someone else's brand. That alone should motivate you to seek your own style.
Organic meaning original and true to your own vision. Create your brand by looking inward. Stay loose and look for inspiration in any random idea. A gym brand can be inspired by the love of an action film, a personal hobby, or identification with some element of a culture. Brands that evolve organically have the capacity for novel marketing opportunities because they're not tied to the conventions and blueprints of conventional gym design.

(917) 375-7534.
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"Brand Don't Trend"
Cuoco Black 2014